Inspekt Alfatest

English Swedish

+46 (0) 42 213899

AlfaTest AB

Location of the company in Skåne, which is the southernmost province in Sweden, offers strategic advantages for businesses that need to be mobile throughout northern Europe. Skåne is well-connected to other parts of Sweden and neighboring countries such as Denmark, Norway, and Finland. This makes it easier for businesses to reach their clients and customers in these areas, which can be beneficial for expanding their operations.

Another advantage of being located in Skåne is the proximity to Copenhagen’s airport. Copenhagen Airport is located just across the Öresund Bridge in Denmark and is one of the busiest airports in Scandinavia. This makes it easier for businesses to access international markets and connect with customers and partners from around the world.

Overall, Skåne’s location offers several benefits for businesses that require mobility and access to international markets.


Main Office

Gubbhögsgatan 6, 261 51 Landskrona, Sweden.


Profilgatan 67, 261 35 Landskrona, Sweden

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